Financial Planning

When I first started in this career, I always believed a solid financial plan was the foundation to any client’s dream of financial freedom down the road. Having grown up with limited resources and watching my family struggle to manage money, I vowed to live my life a different way.

I was fortunate to have found my calling a year after graduating from college and had the opportunity to work as a para-planner for a Certified Financial Planner practitioner™. I was so excited to learn you can have an opportunity to work with numbers, money and people! Coming in as an extrovert, the people contact portion of the job was a necessity to my happiness in my career.

With over twenty years in the industry, I am so excited to say that I’m helping make a positive difference in people’s lives every day. Clients have learned that a “budget” is a good stepping stone, but it’s not the “be all, end all.” While having a budget is good, planning for and working through the unexpected is key to a successful financial plan. I help clients financially plan for their one-time goals and their long range goals. I also help them make smart decisions when those unexpected events threaten to bump them off their road to financial freedom. Building a customized plan for each and every client is key—I work to fit into your box, rather than asking you to fit into mine.